Sharewater | Ngākōroa

Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland

Over the next 30 years, the anticipated development of the Drury – Opāheke (Drury) area, represents a significant opportunity for Auckland’s growth and future economy. Sharewater is the beginning of a new, destination development for south Auckland.

We are building something warmly, deeply real and lasting. A living place to shelter, nourish and invigorate the human spirit. The name Sharewater is inspired by the waters of the Ngākōroa as a shared meeting place for all people, reflecting its history and the founding spirit of Auranga.

Sharewater is the ultimate expression of the vision for Drury. A development carefully planned and executed with generational inheritance in mind. A bustling lifestyle town centre surrounded by country. A place where new ways of working and living converge seamlessly with the fluidity of water and the spirit of sharing eternally flows


Master Planning

Development Consultancy

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